3 Keys to Job Security in a Pandemic

The pandemic of 2020 will impact the economy in ways that we have yet to fully understand. The insurance industry is certainly not insulated from this. While particular niches your agency serves may be able to sustain themselves or even succeed amid COVID, others have suffered significant setbacks, leaving them with no choice but to close their doors. As businesses close, their need for insurance goes away as well. This can undoubtedly impact agencies’ bottom line, leaving owners with tough choices to make, which can often mean layoffs.
While there’s never an employment guarantee, here are some tips you can use to create more job security for yourself amid uncertainty.
Be a team player –
Many agencies are struggling on many levels amid an ever-evolving pandemic. One challenge has been employee time management, as many must juggle both work and virtual school for their children. While managers continue to accommodate employee needs as best as possible, clients still expect and need service.
Some employees may require more help than others to meet client needs. If you have time or skills that could be of value, raise your hand and offer to help. This willingness to pitch in fills a critical need, supports your co-workers, and allows the agency to maintain the service standards that your clients expect.
Step up your performance –
(open conversations, finding solutions to problems)
Agency leaders must tackle multiple priorities in unprecedented circumstances. The situation around the pandemic continues to ebb and flow. Managers need to balance staff needs and availability against tightening budgets. Long story short, the demands far outweighs the availability of several valuable resources in many agencies.
Minimizing those concerns in your work demonstrates ownership, responsibility, and respect for your work and the agency’s needs. Going above and beyond to support your clients and pitching in where you can provide much-needed relief to leadership.
Be aware of options in the market –
As hard as it may be to leave your agency, you may not necessarily have a choice if layoffs become the only option. Planning ahead for this scenario helps prepare you to handle the potential situation, should it arise.
As some agencies are forced to make cuts, others are finding ways to overcome adversity and grow. To gain a better understanding of the hiring market, get active on social media, especially LinkedIn. Connect with other insurance professionals and agencies. Stay up to date on job postings and know that your opportunity is not limited to geographic location. Remote work is more prevalent in the insurance industry than ever before. This means there are no borders to where you could find employment should the need arise.
While there is no way to completely eliminate the risk of unemployment, these tips will help put you in a better position for success in uncertain times.
For more on this topic, check out the full episode of The Independent Agent here.